So, I guess some sad news. It's become pretty clear to me that continuing this project exactly as I had intended is going to be unrealistic. Several elements have contributed to this realization, one of which is the fact that I have finally caught a glimpse of that light at the end of the university tunnel. I've got a pretty full course load this term, and I feel obligated to put a decent amount of effort into it. Staying up until the wee hours of the morning, just to finish a drawing to post here is detrimental to my health and my work, it has been more often than not that I've had to start the drawings pretty late. More importantly, I took on this challenge as a way to rekindle my enthusiasm for creating art, and while I enjoyed some great experiments, I often just threw something together for the sake of having it done. Now, I think that kind of pressure can often be helpful when making an attempt to be innovative, but the constant deadline began to take a toll on both my enthusiasm and pride for my work. My intention was never to dread having to post halfhearted work here, but to be enthusiastic about sharing new images in a public forum. Evidently, I underestimated the commitment that this project required.
The good news is that I don't plan to throw in the towel completely. The towel is still hovering there, somewhere between success and failure. I'm going to try to post at least one drawing a week from here on in, a goal which feels a little more reasonable to me right now. I really do enjoy putting my ideas down on paper, and I LOVE hearing everyone's feedback. I'm hoping that this will allow me to produce some art that I feel good about. I've also started writing again, a little, so hopefully some of that will find its way here as well.
I'm sorry to anyone who really enjoyed my daily updates, but I haven't abandoned you completely, and David still seems to be going strong! Hopefully this will turn out well for all of us.