Thursday, January 29, 2009

#s 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 & 130 Like, you know, whatever

These pictures seem to be in reverse order which means we start off with Lauren playing a few songs during the open mic part of folk night at the ship. Lauren, that last song you played is going to be on your debut CD, right? Oh, and at least you can play the guitar that you think is prettier.

This guy was from the Yukon. No toe-shaped thumbs, I checked. He seemed weird but had a great voice when he started singing. He opened for Lauren. The only tragedy here is that the photo doesn't show his trippy pants.
The great Ian Foster. Please don't make fun of me for taking everyone's picture from the same side. Everybody at the ship was really focused on the music, like eerily so, and I didn't want to brake whatever spell was taking place by running around with my camera.
Look! It's a deeABolo!
Picture time! Jeff has a very unattractive picture of me looking into my camera from the same moment. Very unattractive.
Let's end things off with a gromit. Aw!


  1. Aw, grommits.

    ...and you posted the angry one, Great. :p

  2. It was obviously the best picture of you on stage, at least as far as the lighting. And it looks like you're giving that guitar hell :oD

  3. But I like that guitar! I would never give it hell.

