Tuesday, February 17, 2009

#s 165, 166 & 167 Woo!

Okay so they can't all be gems...
Um, a couple of thumb tacks I found poked into the table, number 13, my locker at the circus space and... our poor little solar system, discarded in a box. *wipes away tear*

I have now officially caught up. Yay! *does the caught up dance*

French school tomorrow. I have to see if I can get this organized better, I hate feeling useless when I'm getting paid. I'll see if I can straighten things out and get them inspired, otherwise I'm going to have to tell Beni that I don't think there's a job for me to do there.

I had a grand ol' visit with Pete, talking about passed years in the circus and the coming summer. Quite a lot to be excited about, I hope it all turns out.


  1. Why is our solar system in a box!!?!?!!?! I'm so sad!

  2. I knowwww! WTF?! I think Pluto is lost still. So not cool.

