Monday, December 7, 2009

Week #2 - Music - Jeff's First Post

Hello readers/viewers in far away or close enough lands. As you could probably tell, this is my first submission for Apertures and Ink. My name is Jeff, and I'm the brother of the other posters, Lauren and David, who I'm sure you're all familiar with.
This year, I've decided to take part in the wonderful adventure that is creating art, hopefully each week, and post it here for all to see. *shudder*
I'll keep the jibber jabber short, and get on with my first submission.

This week's theme is MUSIC! Very exciting!

I've been experimenting with some electronic drawings/photo manipulations, so over the course of time, you will probably see a few entries similar to this, or at least done with the same medium.

The idea for this image came to me while listening to Blackbird by the Beatles, which features birdsong at some points in the background. We all know that birds are nature's choir, with all the singing and what... but what do they do when they want to relax and listen, rather than sing?
Annnd the color scheme I came across when messing with color inversions. I think the fact that I'm in a very Christmassy mood helped me choose these.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this first picture, and I hope you enjoy the ones to come.



  1. Yay Jeff! I'm so happy you're going to be posting pictures with us too! And I really like the kind of images you've been playing around with. This bird wins, even though my first reaction is always to think he's wearing ear-muffs. But it's in Christmas colours so that works tooooo.

  2. Blackbird by Beatles, awesome and great idea jeff. Thank for share : Ahli Seo

