Saturday, September 27, 2008

#23 Flip-cup

Okay, so this one isn't much of a winner but I didn't shoot much today. I did however go to the EWB and Linguistics mixers on campus. This shot was from the Linguistics mixer during one of many heated games of flip-cup.

The reason I like this snap shot, other than the fact that the cup is captured in mid air, is that the girls were decidedly better at the game than the boys. I think his expression of focus and her victorious body language communicate the situation rather well.


  1. The objective is to flip the cup from right side up on the edge of the table so that it lands upside down.

    You only get to try after your team mate has successfully flipped his/her cup and after drinking what's left in your cup (usually only about a shot's worth).

  2. same side of table=same team

