Saturday, September 6, 2008

Print the third.

I don't really know what to say about this one. It was an idea that occurred to me at one in the morning, but I didn't trust my coordination at the time to handle sharp carving implements. So, when I got up today I found an extra piece of a carving block, and a carve-y tool thing, sketched an arrow, made a stencil, and went from there. I kind of like it. I was going to use some red arrows as well, but I think that would have been a little too much. It was fun, anyhow. I'm going to have to get some more stuff to make relief prints, and hopefully get a little more detailed.

::Edit:: Also, it's acrylic paint, applied to the block with a paintbrush instead of a roller (pretty much because I don't have a roller). I like the effect that the paintbrush made, especially on the blue arrows.

Happy Saturday! I think fun plans are in the works for tonight...

