Saturday, September 20, 2008

Drawing the sixteenth.

Soo....I'm a little late today too, but I think David and I are pretty much going by the system that the day doesn't end until we go to bed...and I have not yet gone to bed! (And I still beat David, so HA!)

Today's drawing is inspired a little bit by a drawing I did a couple of years ago, illustrating a really fun night downtown putting up posters for Wonderbolt. In an abstract sort of way. Also, I've always wanted to see the northern lights...not that I think that that's what they actually look like.


1 comment:

  1. Northern lights are nuts, they really look fake.

    I've seen them a few times in SJ's, so keep your eyes out... they usualy appear towards the "middlecove direction" kinda red-ish....

