Friday, September 5, 2008

Drawing the second.

Second drawing! I did this today (among other things) during my annoyingly long break between classes. I don't know how the idea occurred to me that there could be an anchor in an just seemed like the thing to do at the time.

Ink on paper, and then colored on my computer. The uncolored version is here.I'm not sure which I like more, though in both cases I wish the black was more black. It's black on paper! I'm having trouble keeping the quality when I transfer it to computer form.

That's all for now!


  1. You like comments? Well, I like you, and this drawing.

    This is the type of thing where I go, hey, I could draw that, and then I wonder how people's brains think of such kickass things, cause mine isn't always that good at that.


  2. I like the colour one best... and the first thing I saw when I looked at this was a bum... I'm bad at this art thing.

    This is such a strange idea but it works so well.

    (Psst, how do you think the blog is going so far?)

