Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Drawing the sixth (part 1)

So, today I'm doing something a little different. Over the next three days or so, I'm going to be showing you my progress in sketching something a little more complicated than my regular line drawings. If you've been to the courtyard between the science, math, arts and music buildings at MUN, then you've probably noticed the weird geometric sculpture thing in the middle. I've always liked that statue, so I have decided to make an attempt at drawing it. Hopefully giving myself a bit more time in which to do this will create a better finished product at the end. It's like a process piece.

I sat in the courtyard before and after my music class today, and ignoring the wasps and bright sunshine, I started to sketch. It's completely rough right now, but I've got almost all of the rings in. Once they're roughly drawn, I'll adjust them to make sure the proportions are right, and add the rest of the ornamental stuff. I haven't decided yet if I want to leave it in pencil, or ink it...I guess I'll have to wait until its almost finished to decide that.

I mentioned that last weekend was really fun, and in fact, it was the kind of weekend that will be nice to remember in the deep dark dreary depths of winter, when we can all use a few warm and fuzzy memories. On Saturday, I attended a house show at a friend's house. It was sparsely attended, but it turned out to be a whole lot of fun. Jon Janes, Ian Foster and Rozalind MacPhail played, and between three musicians, three guitars, a flute, several loop pedals, a banjo, melodica, keyboard, a percussive frog, shakey orange and various other noisemakers, interesting collaborations were created. Walking in the door to be greeted by a very intense, yet mellow song from all three together is definitely a fond memory. Sunday night at the Ship featured that same cast, with the addition of Chris Picco, Dan Ficken and Curtis Andrews. Great vibes in that room, it was also a fantastic evening.

There are currently weird honking noises coming from downtown... LOUD weird honking noises, and I'm at least a half hour walk from the harbour. Mysterious...

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