Monday, September 8, 2008

#5 Photo-op

Haha, just in time!
Monkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkey... Oh wait... maybe he's an ape. Uh. what do you think?

First real day of classes for me! I think they're all going to be interesting... well I have my doubts about Anthropology of Religion but I think I'm just going to make the best of it because Dashi and Django are in the class!... plus if I dropped it, I'd have an ugly three hour break between my other two, seemingly very interesting, courses. And no one wants that.

Oh and did I mention... I don't have any classes tomorrow! Yay! I'll probably go to tai chi in the morning and get some training in before tomorrow's rehearsal. That would be a good idea.


  1. 1.) I really like this photo. I'm not sure why, I just do. It's strangely very cute.

    2.) I'm glad you're at MUN, and you should stick with your Anthropology of Religion course because then I can possibly wave at you in the Chem-Physics building more often.

  2. 1.) Thank you very much :o)

    2.) Well that seals it, I'm sticking with the course.

  3. I like this one muchly...though I feel kind of bad for the monkey, because he's looking at the wrong camera...

